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Use this 3 part test to guage where your strength is!


We do 1 rep max for Squats, Bench, & Deadlifts while doing a total rep count for various other exercises that will help determine and show progress over time.


If it's your first time, you have to do all 3 test consecutively to get all your max numbers. Ignore the % for the big 3 as you do not have a previous number to work off of yet. Instead, gradually increase the weight with the help of a spotter until you can no longer achieve a clean, solid rep. Going forward you then be able to use this number and break the %'s off of that.


If you're then following my programs, 1 test will be built in to the program each month. For example, January you would re-test part 1 for squats, February would be a re-test for part 2 and bench press, and March would be a re-test of part 3 for deadlifts. It would continue to repeat like that through the year. 


Definitely use a spotter when performing 1 rep max!

Personal Record & Reps Test

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